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Action and the Law of Attraction

The release of the film “The Secret” in 2006 caused worldwide interest in the Law of Attraction. It states that everything one wants or needs may be accomplished by believing that one will receive that outcome, by repeatedly thinking about it, and maintaining positive emotional states to “attract” it. Simplistically everything comes to us by the most elemental law of physics – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!

This means that when you put an idea out into the universe, people, places, and things come into your life to fulfill that idea. When we think, we actually cause things to happen. This is still not the full recipe for the manifestation and achievement of results. Thinking is very important but only part of the process. In my opinion life results are far too complex to explain in a short article like this, but I want to make a point regarding the achievement of results.

After viewing the “The Secret” many people thought that the days of hard work and problems on earth came to an end at last! It is almost as if you are going to reach the golden pot at the end of the rainbow.

Unfortunately, many folks were extremely disappointed. They did put in all the right thinking and felt emotionally very positive about the outcome, however, the results were poor. After a while, most of them decided this whole story promised by the law of attraction is a lot of hogwash.

So what went wrong? Are some people just lucky or chosen? In reality, it has nothing to do with your personality, your religious beliefs, being a “good” or a “bad” person or anything else.

Understanding The Creative Process

Dr. Robert Anthony in his book “Beyond Positive Thinking” explains the process very clearly. To flow with life, we want to create from the model of Being-Doing-Having.

Being →  Doing →  Having. You must be very clear about this.

Most people think the equation is Having → Being → Doing.

They first want the money and resources, then “being” (feel good) and then they will start doing. Unfortunately this is not the way in which you will produce results.

Let us take a simple example. If you don’t have a network of friends and associates but would like to develop one, you should first be a person whom others want to have as a friend and be associated with. If you are now composed and likable you can take action to approach new friends and associates. Your action will most likely yield results in you having new friends and associates.

The universe flows from being into doing into having. Being is an inner experience – it comes from within you. You can allow outer circumstances to determine your state of Being – your level of happiness or satisfaction – but you run the very real risk of those outer circumstances controlling your life and how you feel about yourself. “I’ll be happy when (e.g. your event) I have enough money”. Then you will never be happy.

Suppose you think a new job will change your life. Eventually you get a new job and pretty soon it’s the same old stuff you have to deal with.  A new mate, a new home, having a baby, or making more money will not change your life.  Eventually you get all those things, and still you are not happy.

The Starting Point of Success

Your unlimited power lies in your ability to control your thoughts. A confused mind works in the direction of sickness, poverty, lack and limitation, rather than in the direction of abundance, health and success.

Your Intention Sets the Universe in Motion

Your intention sets the universe in motion. The universe flows in the direction of your intention, and so it is important to be clear on your exact intention (what you want to achieve) in any situation. If you are absolutely clear as to your intent, your subconscious success mechanism will support you in getting there.

Waiting Is a Trap

Why are we waiting to be healthy, to be happy, to be alive, to be wealthy, to start a new business, to fall in love, to communicate, to clear up the relationships we are in? Waiting is a trap. We wait for interest rates to go down, for the economy to get better, for a person to change, for the holiday to pass before starting a diet. There will always be a reason to wait.

A New Look at Goal Setting

Goal setting is the key factor that will determine your success or failure in the doing and having portion of your life.

Well, sometimes we mistakenly think that freedom means avoiding commitment. Goal setting is simply making choices. Goal setting is knowing where you want to go. A goal can be defined as something that has an inherent or building reward upon its achievement.

  • Start by Making a Decision
  • Everything in Life Is a Choice
  • What Do You Really Want?


The Name of the Game Is Producing Results

You cannot experience who you are by reading about others or watching others succeed at what they do. You experience who you are by producing your own results. The more results you produce, the more you find out who you are.

We can create anything we desire, and it doesn’t take a lot of effort and work. If we think it takes a lot of effort and work to get what we want, then our life is going to be about struggle.

Choose what you want and believe you’re going to get it. You can’t get started until you know what you want. Impulsive action does nothing to add to your strength. Strength comes from knowing what you want and making a decision.

It’s at this point that we must give up hope. We say things like, “I hope this works,” “I hope I have enough money,” “I hope they will buy my products.” “I hope things get better.”

Hope is the subtle illusion of what might be someday. It’s important to accept what you want and accept it in the present tense – that it’s already yours right now. Do not use the words hope, maybe, tomorrow or soon. Use NOW.

We become prisoners of our hope. Hope is what keeps all suffering in place. Hope is the expectation that something outside of ourselves, something or someone external, is going to come to our rescue, and we will live happily ever after.

We want to train ourselves to give up hope and take action.  Sometimes The Law of Inertia makes starting difficult. Any object at rest takes as much greater amount of energy to move than when it is already in motion. I have a solution for you to get started and stay in motion in the next paragraph.

Project Management can help you

To achieve your goals and to move from the “As Is” to the “To Be” situation, focused and coordinated action must be taken. Some people set goals but are not sure how to take action or are frozen in inactivity because of fear.

The project management process and techniques will help you to set priorities and to develop a clear path to achieve the desired results. You will know what resources are needed and how to track your program. In the end the project management approach is shorter and more cost-effective with a predictable end result.

Many people begin to make progress by using a coach to help them with the initial steps and persistence needed.

Further study

Dr Robert Anthony wrote another excellent book on the secret of deliberate creation. For more information  Click Here!


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Robert Rigsby

Hi Piet, I really enjoyed this post, especially taking action. thanks


Hi Piet,

Just found your post a couple of days ago, and I think this is the best explanation of the Law of Attraction I have read yet. Many people were sold on the idea that simply sitting and visualizing will cause the object of desire to fall from the sky into their laps – therefore, it has caused plenty of frustration and disappointment. But we ourselves are the powerful creators, not some genie hovering in the sky. Your post says it perfectly – give up hope, and take inspired action (with the mindset that what we want is already achieved)! The effects of our words and actions are then much more powerful, and circumstances DO rearrange themselves to assist us in fulfilling our desire.